• Pavol Durana University of Zilina, The Faculty of Operation and Economics
  • Darina Chlebikova University of Zilina, The Faculty of Operation and Economics
Keywords: social pedagogy, social pedagogue, behavioral failures, globalization, hypothesis


The aim of this paper is to highlight the changes that have occurred in society due to globalization. There has been a change in the social environment, economic security of family and social security of pupils. The result is the change of behavior and socialization in school, leading to undesirable practices in primary schools, such as bullying, truancy, drugs, rebellion, violence, emotional abuse and so forth. Social pedagogues are the experts in schools that can help in these areas and can help to harmonize the school environment. The questionnaire survey made in 18 primary schools in Žilina tries to find out the existence of social pedagogues and their activities in primary schools


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