• Viktor Šoltés Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina, Slovakia
  • Katarína Repková Štofková Faculty of Operation and Economy of Transport and Communication, University of Žilina, Slovakia
Keywords: Economic damage, crime, victim, financial losses, antisocial activities


Crime and other antisocial activities are the social phenomena that adversely affect the lives of people. Besides the negative impact on the quality of human life, the crime has a negative impact also on the economy. Damage caused by criminal acts can also be quantified in economic terms. This damage consists principally of the assets stolen from victims of crime, e.g. material damage. A substantial part of the damage also represents the financial losses that were caused by the economic crime. Another part of the damage is financial compensation provided by the state to the violent crime victims or their family members.

The paper deals with the analysis of the economically quantified damage caused by different types of crime in the Slovak Republic. The aim of this paper is to identify and analyze types of crimes that cause the largest economic losses and subsequently propose measures for elimination of critical types of crime to prevent greater economic losses.


Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 300/2005 Coll. Criminal Code

Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 583/2008 Coll. on the Prevention of Crime and Other Anti-social Activities

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