• Rysty Karuevna Sadykova Kazakh National University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Assem Madysheva Kazakh National University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, Astana, Kazakhstan
Keywords: Competitiveness, tourism, tourist product, clustering of tourist activity, infrastructure


In recent years, the cluster approach has become the main instrument of an effective state strategy for the development and management of tourism in countries with a high level of competitiveness. It is based on the interaction and cooperation of organizations operating in the tourism industry and government structures, without which innovation activity cannot be managed, new approaches emerge that involve an indirect impact on the development of the region within the national innovation system by creating conditions for increasing innovation activity and susceptibility of economic entities. The development of many regions is constrained by the lack of necessary conditions: inadequate material and financial resources, underdeveloped research base, inconsistent regional policies.


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