• Cristina Petrescu Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara/ Romania
Keywords: cigarette smoking, accentuated personality, college students


Objective: In the study conducted accentuated personalities related to daily cigarette smoking in college students were investigated.

Material of study consisted in a case-sample of 349 daily smokers (49.3% females, 50.7% males) and a control-sample of 880 non-smokers (65.3% women, 34.7% men) from an initial group of 1364 (aged 19-30 years) surveyed students.

The method was an observational case-control inquiry with two questionnaires applying: Health Questionnaire (60 items-8 items for smoking) and Accentuated Personalities Questionnaire (88 items, alpha-Crohnbach index-0.823). Statistical analysis (chi square and gamma correlation) was performed by SPSS 20 Program.

Results: Three accentuated personalities were more prominent in daily smokers in comparison with nonsmokers and were related to daily-smoking with statistical significance: IV-unruly (answers to items: S30–χ2=14.73, γ=0.23; S42-χ2=30.25, γ=0.36; and S52-χ2=32.71, γ=0.35; Sig.0.000), I-demonstrative (S7-χ2=18.89, γ=0.27; S44-χ2=16.24, γ=0.27; and S88-χ2=20.05, γ=0.27; Sig.0.000) and VII-cyclothymic nature (S72-χ2=32.24, γ=0.35; Sig.0.000).

CONCLUSION: a relation between accentuated personalities and cigarette smoking is suggested.


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