• Magdalena Hofman-Kohlmeyer University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Keywords: customer engagement, social media, brand


Nowadays, a strong brand is one of the most valuable assets of a company. In order to obtain this asset, the growing ranks of enterprises decide to include social media in their marketing strategy. Social media gives the possibility to have customers highly engaged with a brand. The present article is aimed to give an outlook on the process of building customer engagement in a brand throughout social media. The presented approach is based on a literature review.

INTRODUCTION: The meaning of social media in engaging customers is widely acknowledged.  In order to building a strong brand and make current customers loyal, the growing ranks of managers decide to include social media in their marketing strategy.

OBJECTIVES: The present article is aimed to give a theoretical outlook on engaging a customer with a brand throughout social media.

METHODS: To achieve the assumed goals the author presents a literature review.

RESULTS: The literature review offers some directives on how to make customer engage with a brand, information on how this process should proceed and information about the profits which can the brand obtain.

CONCLUSION: Social media gives an opportunity to make customers highly engaged in a brand. The building of customer engagement throughout social media takes place through the following process: connection, interaction, satisfaction, retention, commitment, advocacy and customer engagement. Social media is also treated as a source of mass communication. One-to-one communication between stakeholders and firm-to-firm communication exert a positive impact on brand trust. In terms of customer-to-customer communication, there are some doubts. The authors also indicated the vital role of content quality and the occurrence of negative conversations on the fan page.


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