• Ján Havko Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina
  • Michal Titko Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina
  • Jana Kováčová Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina
Keywords: disasters, resilient city, stakeholders


Apparently, there is a significant increase in the occurrence of disasters and their negative consequences. It is believed that the main reason of this problem is related to climate change. In recent years, several approaches and efforts related to the topic of climate changes have been researched and in some cases also implemented. One of them is the resilient city concept as a tool dedicated for enhancing resilience and decreasing the vulnerability of a city and its citizens in case of a disaster. In this article, the concept of the resilient city is briefly described. The very important role within the resilient city represents the stakeholders. The understanding of the stakeholders’ possible participation in city resilience building is important for city security. For that purpose, the relevant stakeholders’ identification is necessary. Our research was conducted with regard to the data from the Step Up project and takes into consideration recommendations from the resilient city concept.


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