• Inese Biukšāne Riga Technical University
Keywords: competitiveness, index, fish processing, model


Abstract: In the development of Latvia’s economy, the fish processing sector has played an important role, historically and traditionally, because of its ability to produce competitive products for the world market. The aim of this research is to evaluate the competitiveness of the fish processing sector in Latvia. Methodology involving the Model of Factors Influencing Competitiveness of the Fisheries Sector Cluster and the Index of Fish Processing Sector Competitiveness are developed as part of the research. The study also identifies the spheres influencing competitiveness, as well as the possibilities of further development. The methodology created in the study can be used to evaluate competitiveness of the fish processing sector in any country. It may also assist institutions involved in developing Fisheries’ policy to work more successfully and improve the common policy in the Fisheries sector.


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