• Zhanbay Shuynshalyevych Uzdenbayev Zhansugurov Zhetisu State University, Taldykorgan
  • Aliya Ongarbayeva Zhansugurov Zhetisu State University, Taldykorgan
  • Aigul Yelepbergenova Zhansugurov Zhetisu State University, Taldykorgan
Keywords: identification, ramp, mathematical model, adaptive regulator


The use of physical and chemical models in metallurgic automatic control algorithms is rather complex. The reasons include a high rank of the multiple correlation, which requires sufficient aprioristic information; and the static character of most coefficients and variables. The result is a complex mathematical apparatus, and a development timeline that becomes so long that the project may not be useful. Schematically, the same processes may have different technological conditions and this lowers the unification ratio of solutions. Rather than focusing on the definition of the observed variable dependencies on each perturbation, the suggested method in this article involves the study of the behavior of the output variable, conditionally accepting that the system is affected by some common parameter (factor) that is the resultant action of perturbations. In keeping with this approach, we plot a series of ramps, form a system of mathematical models, calculate automatic regulator parameters, and create an adaptive control algorithm. An example of the method and results is presented in the article. Based on the adequacy of models using the initial data, this study found that the greatest value of divergence from the results of five experiments was 0.18%.


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