• Hatixhe Islami South East European University
Keywords: marital conflicts, conflict resolution, gender, violence


Conflict as a social phenomenon has an important role in our lives, which is why it is so important to understand this phenomenon. That involves recognizing the mechanisms of emergence, development, methods of study and their resolution. The practice of social work and previous treatments with spouses shows that the marital relationship as an interpersonal relationship represents the specific basis for the emergence of conflicts. The obtained results are part of a study on the characteristics of marital relations and their influence on the choice of the spouses’ patterns of behavior during conflict situations. The results suggest that the choice of different strategies of behavior in a situation of conflict among our respondents mainly depends on: the degree of insistence in fulfillment of personal interests, and the level of cooperation in addressing the interests of others. As a dominant style in marital conflict resolution our respondents use the avoiding style. During the study, gender differences between spouses, how they perceive, understand, and resolve marriage conflicts were found. Women are more critical toward their abilities to resolve conflict. In such situations they often use negative behavior, compared to men who are more likely to deny or avoid situations of conflict. Marriages where violence in involved are mainly based in destructive patterns of behavior in marital conflict resolution.


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