• Tatiana Voronchenko Transbaikal State University, Chita
  • Nina Vinogradova Transbaikal State University, Chita
Keywords: teenagers’ education, teenagers’ tolerance, ethnopedagogy, multiethnic environment, ethno-contact


The coexistence of people of different cultures within a state, as a consequence of mass migration, has created an urgent need to identify ways to promote effective interethnic dialogue and harmonic social relationships. This study examines the problem exemplified in the multiethnic Transbaikal region of the Russian Federation, where more than one hundred nationalities cohabit. The paper illuminates the notion of tolerance, and interprets an array of sociological data to analyze the level of teenagers’ tolerance in a multiethnic environment. Methods of study include a research survey, correlation analysis, and a systematic approach to interpreting results. Modern education systems require institutions to be competent in providing conditions for the formation of tolerance as a quality in a teenager’s personality. The results of this research show that a multiethnic environment provides an effective context for a teenager to form and improve tolerance through interethnic dialogue, and that special pedagogical strategies in educational institutions could contribute to improving cultural awareness and peaceful coexistence.


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