• Jeļena Maleško RISEBA, 3 Meža Str., Riga
  • Olga Tjurdju RISEBA, 3Meža Str., Riga
Keywords: holism, ABIs, inter-disciplinary, business education


Global economic changes have caused employers to look for multidisciplinary and value-driven leaders who can provide a holistic development solution for business. Modern business institutions are challenged with a paradigm shift towards programs of integrity in applying student-centered holistic approaches in the acquisition and development of cross-disciplinary using reflective learning. This study explores the holistic effects and arts-based value of practices, integrated into business education for personal and professional students’ development. Methods include a long-term research (3-years) involving focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, and observations that coincided with a theoretical analysis of conventional methods applicable to business education. Results show that arts based initiatives (ABIs) foster integrated development of skills that generate a strong holistic effect of multi- and inter-disciplinary. These are combined with powerful personal development, as ascertained in 360-degree reviews. It is concluded that an individual’s transformation, achieved through ABIs, can impact on team dynamics as well as the organizational strategy and performance, and generates a ‘spill-over effect’ between individual, team, organization, and community, thus ascertaining the value of holistic approach in business education.


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