• Anna Ondrejková University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Economic Informatics, Dolnozemská cesta 1/b, 852 35 Bratislava
Keywords: digital literacy, the information and communication technology, people with disabilities


The information and communication technology (ICT) is an important phenomenon of contemporary society, in particular in developed countries. The massive use of ICT has created an information society. Changes caused by the increasing importance of information and ICT are not only technological or economic, but are social, directly affecting the lives of citizens. The ICT usage offers a great opportunity for people with disabilities. Important factors for enhancing quality of life for this part of the population include mapping the current state and the increasing level of digital literacy. The aim of this paper is to view digital literacy in the context of social and digital integration for people with disabilities in the society of the Slovak Republic and especially present results of social research in digital literacy of this minority in Slovakia. The study involves a quantitative type of social research. The techniques of data collection for the research included an electronic questionnaire form. The technology for developing the questionnaire involved Google forms. The results of this research show how people with disabilities could adapt to the information society.


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