• Jolanta Wartini-Twardowska Faculty of Finance and Insurance, University of Economics Katowice
  • Zbigniew Twardowski Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Silesian Higher School of Economics, Katowice
Keywords: business model, merger & acquisition, sector of management information systems


This paper presents the methodology of assessing opportunities and threats related to the combining of heterogeneous business models in complex organizations (enterprise groups) from the point of view of added value. The main objective was to develop a methodology for assessing the risk of including a company with
a specific business model within a complex organization. The authors carried out an in-depth analysis of mutual influences for fifteen typical business models. Guided by their original approach to classifying business models in the sector for management information systems, the authors used the cross-impact method to rank models in the value chain of this sector. The operational processes of the business models were also identified. The proposed methodology allows for a relatively accurate assessment of the impact of particular operational processes of one model upon the strategic objectives of another. The study established a set of data enabling the determination of the potential risks of combining two distinct sector models, the ‘integrator’ and the ‘added value reseller’, as an enterprise group. The methodology presented in this paper could be used to develop
a computer system supporting strategic decisions regarding the allocation of resources in complex organizations.


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