• Nilufar Jurakulovna Khushvakova Department of Otorinolaryngology of Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • Nargiza Orzuevna Khamrakulova Department of Otorinolaryngology of Samarkand State Medical Institute
Keywords: purulent otitis media, ozonotherapy, antiseptic solution “Decasan”, traditional treatment


 In this article, we have analyzed the results of the application of the combined solution of decasan and ozone-oxygen mixture, as a local conservative treatment, for 135 patients with acute exacerbation of chronic purulent medial otitis (CPOM). Its use increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces time. The study of long-term results has shown persistence of sustained remission in 91,4% of patients.

A comparative analysis of traditional treatments and topical administration of antiseptic 0.002 % solution of “Dekasan” (dekametansin), in combination with ozone-oxygen mixture in patients with suppurative otitis media, was carried out. The analysis was conducted using ozone-oxygen mixture along with a local irrigation of middle ear cavity with “Dekasan.”

Author Biographies

Nilufar Jurakulovna Khushvakova, Department of Otorinolaryngology of Samarkand State Medical Institute
associate professor, Head of the Department of Otorinolaryngology of Samarkand State Medical Institute
Nargiza Orzuevna Khamrakulova, Department of Otorinolaryngology of Samarkand State Medical Institute
assistant professor


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