• Michael Begak St. Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Environmental Safety of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Tatiana Guseva Department for Management and Marketing, D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
  • Yana Molchanova Department for Management and Marketing, D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
  • Alexander Malkov Department for Management and Marketing, D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Keywords: environmental safety, risk, hazard, Best Available Techniques, National Environmental Strategies


Environmental safety enhancement is an important objective for any state. It is vital for the Russian Federation, where economic activities resulted in environmental deterioration. Current development has to provide both for the growth of the national economy and for the minimization of negative environmental impacts. These issues could be addressed via development and implementation of the National Environmental Strategies, which have to become a basis for setting national targets and implementing modern instruments of environmental safety. European experience proves that the Best Available Techniques (BAT) are considered as instruments applicable to improve environmental performance and resource efficiency for major enterprises. Main components of the national environmental strategy are discussed, and prerequisites for its implementation (such as ratification of Espoo and Aarhus conventions and practical application of BAT principles in environmental regulation) are suggested as a result of the analysis of new legislative and managerial approaches emerging in Russia.


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