• Marketa Sumpikova Unicorn College
  • Juraj Nemec Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University
  • Marta Orviska Faculty of Economics, University of Matej Bel
  • Matúš Grega Faculty of Economics, University of Matej Bel
Keywords: public finance, efficiency, effectiveness, competition, public procurement, public procurement law


Public procurement today represents approximately 15% of governmental expenditure in developed countries and an area with high potential for continual improvement, especially for countries with transitional economies. This article investigates competitiveness and the selection method, which are two factors of many identified, such as from studies of Transparency International or the Charles University, that relate to the limited results of procurement procedures under Czech Republic conditions. Our study identified important weaknesses in the Czech public procurement process for future reforms to consider.

Author Biographies

Marketa Sumpikova, Unicorn College
associate professor
Juraj Nemec, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University
Marta Orviska, Faculty of Economics, University of Matej Bel


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