• Inta Kotane Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration and Rezekne Higher Education Institution
Keywords: financial indicators, non-financial indicators, company’s performance, multiple variable model


Dimensions for the measurement of the company’s performance include financial and non-financial indicators. Many authors have carried out researches on financial and non-financial indicators, though the problems of their practical application exist, since there is no single united approach for measurement and assessment of both financial and non-financial indicators. This research is based on the former theoretical and practical researches by the author on the application of the financial and non-financial indicators to measure the company’s performance.

The aim of this research was to develop a model for the small companies’ performance evaluation, based on the opinions of the owners, managers, and top executives of the small companies in Latvia. The Internet survey was used as a research method, applying a simple random sampling. The results of the research indicated that there are 17 indicators, including 10 financial and 7 non-financial indicators, which could be used for the evaluation of the small companies’ performance and for modelling the company’s net turnover. 


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