• Irina Bondareva Institute of Management, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
  • Irina Druzhinina Institute of Economics and Management, Moscow State University of Design and Technology
  • Róbert Tomčík Institute of Management, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Keywords: competitive strategy, investment portfolio, innovations, pairwise comparison, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP


Sustainable growth of enterprises, as well as their competitiveness enhancement, is based largely on the formation of strategic potential. To ensure fulfillment of objectives on maintaining or strengthening the competitive position of the company, suitable competitive strategy, as a tool of strategic management, should be selected and implemented. However, optimal strategy should also form the strategic potential, i.e. the vision of how a company can use its reserves to increase competitiveness.

The aim of the article was to select an effective competitive strategy from several alternatives with the help of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Company, that is recognized as the leader in the production of radiopharmaceuticals on the Slovak market was an object of this study. Calculations showed that the company should focus on the development of new products and keep the position on the existing markets rather than entering a new one. Based on the chosen strategy, it is also possible to create or customize the investment portfolio of the company, which ensures strengthening its competitive position.


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