• Zulkiya Namazbaeva National Center of Labour Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Aigul Ismailova National Center of Labour Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The present study is aimed at the analysis of the human organism of the humans living in the industrial city for a long time. Microelements are an integral part of many proteins. These microelements take part in important biochemical processes especially in performing the basic functions in the free-radical oxidation, oxidation-reduction reactions and tissue respiration. The imbalance of the chemical elements in the human body leads to the development of pathology processes and, at the same time, the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease in children organism does not preclude their metabolic and functional disorders. The investigation included 110 teenagers living in the industrial area. The blood of the sampled teenagers was examined by using the atomic absorption spectrometer MGA-915 with electro thermal atomization. We have observed that the carriage of toxic elements such as mercury and cadmium was significantly at higher levels in the teenagers living in industrial areas. The deficiency of vital element (selenium) was also observed. This deficiency is considered to be most dangerous for growing up organism because the functional system of the body is laid down in the teenage. In the future, this carrier can negatively affect fertility, metabolic processes and the formation of the immunity. These results show necessity for a comprehensive biomedical, clinical and functional investigation of the exposed population.


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