• Olesya Mokhova Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical Academy


In the context of the above properties of titaniumaquacompleхglycerosolvate and oxytocin we have studied their joint application in order to increase the efficiency of treatment of soft tissue wounds. In the investigation performed, 144 experimental animals (white rats) with simulated aseptic wounds were studied. This study will contribute to develop a new treatment for soft tissue wounds, based on the application of aquaglitserosolvatetitanium and oxytocin, examine and assess the effectiveness of aquaglitserosolvatetitanium and oxytocin in the treatment of experimental soft tissue wounds. To assess the process of wound healing in the experiment, methods of clinical, planimetric progressive examinations of wounds, as well as strength characteristics of the scar formed were used. One of the objective measures of wound healing is the study of changes in the area in the healing process. The wound area was calculated by the method of L. N. Popovoy (1942). On the basis of clinical and planimetric methods of investigation, it was found that the decrease in the wound area is significantly faster under the influence of oxytocin and titanium aquacomplexglycerosolvate. 


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