• Olivera Grljević University of Novi Sad
  • Zita Zita Bošnjak University of Novi Sad
Keywords: Social media, internet, analytics, clustering


Intensive internet and social media sites usage has posed certain changes in modern business, particularly regarding relationship with customers. More successful companies have already embraced these possibilities and changes, and improved their overall business strategies. Higher Education Institutions as services providers can also benefit from internet social media sites, particularly in the field of enrollment strategy and attraction of prospective students. Analysis of user generated contents on social media sites can provide the institution with the better insights on its reputation, students’ opinion, preferences, and attitudes regarding the services they provide. It could also provide better groundwork for improvement of its relationship with students. Since different user personalities engaging in social media conversations comprise variety of groups and different usage profiles, the goal of this article is to evaluate the usage of social media sites among students and to identify different user profiles among prospective students for the Faculty of Economics Subotica, Serbia.


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