• Halil İbrahim Balkul Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
  • Hüseyin Ersoy Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
Keywords: computer assisted translation, translation market analysis, translation company, internet marketing


Nowadays, Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools are undoubtedly among indispensable parts of both translation industry and academic translation world. Thanks to the variety of translation memories, machine translation systems, desktop publishing tools, and terminology management applications, the body of translations carried out in a specific time has increased in a considerable amount compared to the situation in past. In this regard, the current inquiry aims at investigating Turkish translation companies’ use of CAT tools via examining the websites of 39 translation companies, which are the members of two important national translation providers’ associations in Turkey.

The results of the existing research are limited to the available information presented in the websites of the aforementioned translation companies about the use of CAT tools. Further studies can shed some light on the issue in a more overarching way if the number of translation companies to be examined is increased and questionnaires are delivered more accessibly, either by paper or online. Besides, this study is an attempt to emphasize that translation companies will have much more work demand from customers if they display information technologies they master on their websites.


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