• Alberto Daniel Salinas Montemayor Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
  • Jesús Fabián López Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
  • Jesús Cruz Álvarez Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
Keywords: cloud computing, internet, information technology, cost, services, security


This research presets the critical factors that influence the use of cloud computing, in case studies of large and medium-sized enterprises in the metropolitan area of Monterrey.  The critical factors are found, according to literature: dependency provider; ignorance of the location, where the information, service knowledge, knowledge of laws, service offered by suppliers, is stored; cost; and information security, describing the research and development, which are significant and demonstrative in its impact.

We used Cronbach's alpha to check the validity of the measurement instrument and used a linear regression method to measure the significance of the variables.  We also relied on some measuring instruments, such as Beta, R-squared, Standard Deviation, Anova, Tolerance, and Collinearity index to propose a model.


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