• Iryna Nizhenkovskaya Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: sufan, adriamycin hydrochloride, heart failure, energetic metabolism


This article presents the results of an influence by the new non-glycoside structure, metabolic cardiotonic drug “sufan” on the energetic metabolism and oxidative homeostasis indicators—in myocardium, brain, and spleen of intact rats and rats with adriamycin-induced heart failure. It was established that sufan increased the coefficient of oxidative/reduced forms of nicotinamide coenzymes, reduced the adriamycin, causing deterioration of the energetic metabolism and the pro-oxidative-anti-oxidative homeostasis.  The use of the non-glycoside structure cardiotonic drug, sufan, is recommended in order to prevent cardiotoxic effects of the anthracycline antibiotics.


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