• Tatiana Prisyazhnyuk Saratov State University, Russian Federation
  • Elena Zilova Saratov State University, Russian Federation
Keywords: Media Discourse, fundamental values, national values, transformation of values, anti-values


In the study of mass communication, there has been much debate as to what extent the media can influence the audience. Instead of merely reviewing existing findings in the field, this article aims at searching for some new aspects to the problem.  Previously, the study of Media Discourse was mainly restricted to the role of the media in the context of political or social sphere.  This research offers to study the issue within a broader multidisciplinary framework involving such macrostructures as society, the mass media, language, and cognition.

The primary objective of the research is to define Media Discourse in the context of the study of values representation. The methods employed in the research are: discourse analysis, linguo-cognitive modeling, componential analysis, and contrastive linguo-cultural analysis. Modern Russian and British media texts were randomly selected for analysis building a corpus of 200 items. In connection with Media Discourse, at least three types of values should be distinguished: discourse values or discourse qualities; values endemic to a particular society, and broadcast by the media in order to cultivate national identity; specific media values generated by certain media, which in many instances can be viewed as “anti-values.” The research findings claim that this trend can be observed both in the Russian and British Media Discourse. 


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