• Oksana Petyukova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: adoption, legislation, children, law


This article discusses the development of legislation on adoption of children in the Russian Federation.  Results were obtained from the analysis, in the historical and modern aspects, of the legislation on adoption of children that allows us identify the problems associated with the regulations on the children-orphans adoption in the family.

The results of the court statistics demonstrated that almost every second child adopted by Russian citizens is returned to authorized guardianship bodies.  However, adoption of children by foreign citizens or non-resident persons shall be allowed only in the cases of absolute impossibility in granting adoption to permanent residents of the Russian Federation or to the children's relatives.

The article formulates the improvement tendencies in the adoption legislation of the children: creating a system for an open adoption, simplifying adoption establishment procedures, improving mechanisms in legal, organizational, and psychological support of Russian citizens intending to adopt children.

The results will be useful for those who are interested in the process of adoption, lawyers, representatives of the guardianship, and family members.


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