• Vikotoriya Zasukhina Zabaikalsky State University, Russian Federation
Keywords: Bioethics, transdisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, post-nonclassical science, life axiology, value


Bioethics is an offspring of the post-nonclassical science. The subject of this research is its genesis and development in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary space of the existence of modern philosophical-scientific thought.  The direction of analysis is chosen by the author led to some inferences. Foremost, we will point out that anthropological turn in science is one of the main factors, which have created bioethical interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.  The aforecited bioethics characteristics created the possibility of the complex solution for this science’s problems.  Philosophical and ethical concepts and methods had played very important role in bioethics formation as a new form of scientific cognition.  At the same time, bioethics enriches and upgrades classical philosophy with new interpretations of fundamental philosophical problems.  Bioethics formed in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary context of modern science is the life axiology.

In order to find axiological importance of bioethics, we have decided to identify links and relationships within bioethics as a whole system.  We constructed the bioethics concept as an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study of the moral and social problems caused by development of modern biomedical technologies.  We then used this concept to form such philosophical-scientific comprehension paradigm of a problem of axiological justification of human life and health in the modern world, which assumes cooperation between representatives of different disciplines, and expansion of scientific outlook—its exit from a scientific radius.


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