• Raissa Kaziyeva T. Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, franchising agreement, expectations, obligations, negotitations, franchisee, franshisor, Kazakhstan


The purpose of the article is to provide a critical review of franchising development in Kazakhstan by focusing on the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee. We have conducted extensive research and communicated with lots of potential and existing Kazakhstani franchisors and franchisees, operating since 2003. Our findings show that the process of signing franchising agreements is quite challenging in Kazakhstan.  Thorough investigation of the differences between expectations and actual responsibilities from both two sides of franchising agreement allows us to overcome misconception and eliminate the aspirations of automatic success.  

This article attempts to give practical implications for franchising development in Kazakhstan that will raise the effectiveness and enhance the credibility of franchising business through preliminary screening of subjective assumptions regarding franchising advantages and benefits, using a cross-comparative analysis, as well as provide recommendation to add addenda and clarifications to the agreement as necessary.


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