• Elena Welchinskaya Bogomolets National Medical University in Kiev


Problemofthetreatmentof man’scancerandsearchoftheeffective, withalittletoxicityantitumourmedicalproducts,isonefromtheimportant taskatthecontemporaneous medicine and pharmaceutical chemistry. Chemicalmodificationofmolecularof5-bromouracilewithnextinvestigationoftoxicity and antitumour activityofits newderivativeswhichsynthesized is described. Physical-chemical, statistical pharmacological, toxicological methods were used. A strongly antitumour effect has been discovered for bis-derivative of 5-bromouracile for the first time. A new convenient methods for the preparation of new mono- and bis-derivatives of 5-bromouracile with 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-bromo-2-chloroethane (ftorotan) and 1,1-diethylcarboxy-2-chloro-2-trifluoromethylethylene is described. The reactions are catalyzed by the DB-18-crown-6-complex. It was tested on the heterotransplantates of man’s glioma cancer of brain (by Bogden’s under capsule-method). It is permits to consider the new bis-derivative of 5-bromouracile as physiological active with a perspective investigation as potential antitumour drugs for treatment of man in future.


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