• Hakan Bütüner Industrial Management and Engineering Co., Turkey
Keywords: systematic, strategy, planning, strategic planning, business plan


A systematic method of strategic planning is anticipated to be easily understood and straightforward; based on fundamentals; and to be universally applicable for any type of business.  Accordingly, this methodology is generated for the purpose of assembling the disconnected and disorderly ideas, processes, and techniques (written on strategy and business development) under the same roof, in order to develop a systematic methodology that is easily understandable and applicable.

As many sources exhort managers to“think strategically” or prescribe “strategic leadership” to helicopter out of tactical day-to-day management, only a few address how to make this happen.  Where strategic analysis tools are explained, this is most frequently done conceptually rather than practically on how to utilize the tools for strategic planning.  Moreover, as fondly as it may sound, there is an exact approach or systematic thinking on this issue; our intention is to bring in a new perspective to the reader and, more significantly, to provide a different benefit by the application of this systematic methodology.

Systematic strategic planning (SSP) consists of a framework of phases through which each project passes, a pattern of procedures for straight-forward planning, and the fundamentals involved in any strategic planning project.


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