• Egils Ginters Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
  • Artis Aizstrauts Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
  • Dace Aizstrauta Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
  • Ieva Lauberte Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
  • Miquel Angel Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
  • Piera Eroles Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
  • Roman Buil Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
  • Peter Sonntagbauer Cellent AG Vienna
  • Susanne Sonntagbauer Cellent AG Vienna


Mathematically justified planning of policy is extremely important because any wrong decision can lead to serious consequences. It is no secret that mathematical modelling and other advanced analytical methods are rarely used for policy planning and decision impact forecasting because those require specific knowledge. The FP7 FUPOL project aims at a completely new approach to traditional policy analysis providing direct access for policy decision makers to domain uses cases modelling and verification on FUPOL Simulator and visualisation of the results in the form suitable for beneficiaries. Policy domain uses cases models are versatile, therefore architecture of the simulator must fit to the requirements of complexity and usability that determines involving heterogeneous agent-based and system dynamics simulation technologies and distributed simulation. The article deals with FUPOL approach in policy modelling and simulation, simulator designing, and sustainability assessment of provided technology. The FUPOL approach promotes simultaneously running of heterogeneous use case simulation models enhancing performance of simulation session. Belonging to open source spreads potential users’ network thus reducing errors in simulation and also in policy decision making. Web services SOA based architecture enhances integration with other decision making and service tools.


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