• Rudina Shkulaku European University of Tirana


Maintaining a best possible qualitative service and student’s wellbeing, in the higher education institutions (HEI), is particularly important. The focal scope of this research is to present the importance of the integration of the psychological counseling service in the HEI in Albania. The methodology was a comparative analysis of the models of Psychological counseling service in HEI of Europe and Albania. Two main results of the study are: First, the monitoring process of thirty-five Albanian university/college websites showed that only five of them have integrated psychological counseling services into their systems. Second, 72% of the students said that their university didn’t provide psychological counseling service. 94.8% of them would like their university to provide this kind of service. The few universities that offer this service have just introduced formal psychological counseling in recent years, which shows that this service is still in the beginning steps. 


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