• Gulnar Zholtayeva Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov
  • Assel Stambekova Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov
  • Anara Alipbayeva Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov
  • Gulnur Yerzhanova Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov


Currently government of the Republic of Kazakhstan considers education of children with disabilities as one of the main priorities of education and society development in a whole. Thus, the most efficient means of achieving the ultimate goal for it is to reveal the most efficient ways of training of children with mental retardation. Inclusive or integrated education is becoming a powerful tool in this case if the range of educational institutions creates atmosphere which allows receiving high-quality education, correctional help and professional training. Every child and family is valued equally and deserves the same opportunities and experiences in meaningful ways. Inclusive education enables children with disabilities entering the society as full-fledged citizens who are capable of productive and independent life, building relationships and memberships with people around. As for Kazakhstan society the statistics shows: special educational services for the children with mental retardation are provided in 37 special kindergartens and 101 correctional schools, 240 special groups and 1098 special classes in compulsory schools.Moreover, nearly 10 thousand children are involved in home learning within individual study program.Since 2004 work on elaboration and publishing of Kazakhstani textbooks and educational-methodical complexes for special correctional educational organizations of 8 major kinds and types has been carried out. At the present time there are 56 medical-psychological-pedagogical rooms in the country. These institutions render medical-psychological-pedagogical support and social help to population how to diagnose and consult the children with disabilities 


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