• Svetlana Korobeynikova The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration – Graduate School of Corporate Management
  • Ludmila Dukanich The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration – Graduate School of Corporate Management


The current management system in Russian business education is predominantly based on the principle of functional management, which in turn does not comprehensively address the emerging objectives and terms of modern-day education providers in Russia. The countries’ business schools are of the particular concern of the issue, considering the factors of their recent establishment and revenue-based financing. Presented in this paper is the outcome of implementation of the process-orientated approach to business education based on the experience of one of the leading Russian business schools. The implementation of the process-orientated approach into the management system of the business school has resulted in an array of advantages: a significant improvement in the speed of the management process; a horizontal and vertical compaction of processes due to employees making independent decisions, reduction in the number of errors, delays and alterations, an increase in the quality of tasks executed by the personnel, a decrease in the need of employee monitoring; reduction of costs associated with employee wages and equipping workplaces; development of the basis for automation of educational and supporting business processes and delegation of particular elements of business processes to external.


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