• Irina Kovyneva Kursk State Medical University


In the modern word formative theory of neologisms there is practically no description of concrete unusual occasional way of word formation, such as holophrasis, gendiadis, decomposition and others. There is also no dictionary, describing one of these types of word composition. There are two specific questions, which occur with the process of сreation of one way word formation (holophrase) dictionary: 1) how to introduce the holophrastic construction (HC) into the dictionary; 2) the context of usage of HC. Though HC is polycomponental, the introduction should be only one – by the first word in the construction. The context of usage of HC is usually limited by the sentence, in which HC is used. The HC dictionary emphasizes the new opening in the philosophic understanding of the sense of meaning and its connection with the lexicographic semantisation.


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