• Elena Gavrilova Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Kira Trostina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



Most of authentic textbooks and other teaching material on Financial English for higher education deal with internationally generalized issues without covering national peculiarities. Such a gap in the educational literature market can be filled only with customized material, catered for the specific purposes, to train students in their particular area of specialization and to provide them with abundant autonomous workload. The article describes the experience of Russian-speaking ESP teachers who approach creating an innovative e-training educational program in English of Finance and Accounting as a business project. A complex research to analyze university and students’ needs and teachers’ expectations is carried out. To estimate the input versus prospective output SWOT analysis for the project is conducted. Outlined in the article are the challenges the project faces, and some ways of solving such problems as copyright, IT or workgroup support and others are suggested. Features of an innovative educational product for Financial English are identified.


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