• Natalia Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev
  • Anatoly Bezrukov Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev


In this study, we analyzed the development of research competence and the creative thinking of secondary school students inrural areas of Russia. We have found that students struggle with critical thinking, and it is rare when students are able to think creatively. Therefore, we have suggested a research network community as a possible solution to this problem by uniting teachers, post-graduate students and undergraduates of the university. Teachers and students of the secondary schools were proposed with an “information-and-activity concept” as a way of their learning problems solution. We have found that a network research community is supportive for the students, using an information-and-activity concept, to develop in them required research competences. The authors have identified a community model in respect to the information-and-activity concept. We have tested the effectiveness of a network community model in an experiment at rural secondary schools of Krasnoyarsk region. Usage of remote sensing has been effective in critical thinking improvement. 


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