• Penio Lebamovski Mathematics and Informatics Facility, University of Veliko Tarnovo
  • Mitko Gospodinov Institute of Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia


Introduction: Studying the discipline of stereometry is difficult for students who do not have spatial imagination. To overcome this problem, software applications are being created in addition to traditional training methods to improve the understanding of 3D geometry.

Objectives:  The subject of this article is the presentation of the functionality and tools of a created software application in teaching stereometry, with the help of which students will construct, observe, measure and study 3D geometric shapes, as well as create dynamic images.

Methods: The methods: stereoscopy, polygon triangulation, cleaning/extrusion, and level of detail were used to create 3D geometric shapes via the software application designed for the secondary education of the Bulgarian students in stereometry

Results:  The software application created the following objects in 3D space: regular prism (three to six sides), general three-sided prism, special four-sided prism, regular pyramid (three to six sides), cube, sphere, cone and cylinder. The parameters of any geometric object can be adjusted, including the height and length of the sides, the slope of the sides, the number of sides, etc. Each object can be gradually opened or closed from its main network to the geometric object. Each parameter correction is interactive and visible immediately. Geometric shapes can be rotated in space, zoomed in to or out of, and viewed as a solid object or transparent net, as well as have the ability to change colors.

Conclusion:  With the software application created, new opportunities for teaching and learning in the subject of stereometry are provided, which helps students to more easily understand spatial geometry and the ability of teachers to explain abstract problems in 3D geometry.
