• Aneta Kucińska-Landwójtowicz Department of Production and Services Quality Engineering, Faculty of Production and Logistics Engineering, Opole University of Technology


The continuous development of the organization and business excellence currently belongs to the most important challenges of modern management. It requires many activities aimed at the improvement of the efficiency of processes and the improvement of the product quality. This is accompanied by a wide range of performance evaluation and organizational maturity analysis in many aspects. The objective of this paper is to provide a systematic review protocol followed and the associated reasoning. The systematic review of the literature is carried out according to strictly defined four phases. The literature of the subject placed in the universal Thompson/Reuters Web of Science database was adopted as the object of exploration. The analysis of the most important articles, proceedings, books and reviews has been performed. The review covers the last 25 years. The systematic review reported in this paper was guided by the objective to classify existing organizational maturity models (OMM), in order of their application area and to indicate the latest research trends. The result of the conducted research is the classification of organizational maturity models including key categories. The main contribution of the paper is the subsequent grouping of these models into nine areas of application to allow further study and development of these. In addition, new maturity models were selected for specific areas of the organization's operations or related to new management concepts. The value of the article is a clear and detailed review of the models proposed in the literature, which may be useful for both researchers and practitioners. The main limitation is the analysis in the scope of topic organizational maturity models including only the Thompson/Reuters Web of Science. This is the first stage of literature review that are continued.
