• Michal Peňaška Michal Peňaška, Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina
  • Milan Kutaj Michal Peňaška, Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina
Keywords: intruder, alarm, experimental, European, laboratories, standards


The article describes intruder alarm systems, experimental testing of selected components of these systems, and examining the probability of intruder detection in a protected area. Component parameters are specified in the producer technical documentation (datasheets, service manuals) and they have to comply with European technical standards. Specifically, the article focuses on passive infrared motion detectors, which are among the most used components of intruder alarm systems. Experiments were carried out under the conditions specified in the European technical standards and also beyond these conditions. The experiments were performed in controlled measuring and testing laboratories. The results of the experiments can be used as a basis for improving the European technical standards, a proposal for their modification, and also for the evaluation of intruder alarm systems.


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