• Natalia Kamanina Vavilov State Optical Institute, St.- Petersburg, Russia; St.-Petersburg Electrotechnical University (“LETI”), St.-Petersburg
Keywords: Carbon nanotubes, coatings at the interface, inorganics, reflection, laser-matter interaction


It is well known that the optical materials are unique and perspective. Optical materials and the devices based on them are operated in the broad spectral range: In the UV spectral range (where the wavelength l is approximately placed in the range of ~ 0.1 - 0.4 microns), in the VIS spectral range (l ~ 0.5 - 0.75 microns), and in the IR spectral range (l is larger than the 0.75-1 microns). These materials can be considered to resolve the different complicated tasks. To study optical materials different techniques and methods should be scrupulously used. Among different applied methods namely the laser oriented technique and nanostructuration approach have some unique features. It can be considered as the effective dominant approach in order to reveal the change of all basic physical-chemical characteristics of the materials. Our own steps in this direction have partially been recently shown too. In the current paper, advantages of the modification of optical material surfaces via a nanotechnology approach will be shown. The surface relief change provokes the spectral, mechanical and wetting phenomena changes. A CO2-laser is applied to modify the optical materials surfaces under the condition when the carbon nanotubes are deposited in vertical position at the materials surfaces. This process permits to organize covalent bonding between the carbon atoms and the model matrix ones. An emphasis will be given on the surface modifications of the materials, such as: LiF, CaF2, KBr, BaF2, Sc, some polymer surface, etc. Mechanisms responsible for the spectral characteristics change, mechanical hardness as well as the increase of the wetting angle will be discussed. The area of the application of the materials studied can be increased.


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