• Georgi Iliev Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski
Keywords: crowdsourcing, three-layer architecture, Representational State Transfer (REST), video streaming, video codec


Mobile crowdsourcing is a fast-growing emerging approach whereby large groups of mobile users are engaged in a collaborative work on performing a particular task or using its results. This paper presents a concept for the development of a mobile crowdsourcing system with extended capabilities for real-time broadcasting and receiving amateur football match video. It is designed to resolve the problem of possible delays and the overload of a system and to accelerate the process of big video data transmission. The proposed system is based on a service-oriented, three-layer cloud architecture and a specialized mobile video streaming application. The architecture includes a main server, infrastructure of scalable multi-parallel video processing engine and an auxiliary server for synchronizing real-time information, which significantly facilitates the handling of user requests with minimal cost and at a high speed. The concept is realized in the Footlikers platform as a basic client-server, WOWZA streaming engine, deployed on an Amazon EC2 cloud machine and a simple sync-server. The results of the program realization of the developed system prototype are presented, regarding football game video steaming intended for amateur football competitions based and organized in France, Belgium and Luxembourg.


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