• Izabela D. Czabak-Górska Faculty of Production and Logistics Engineering, Department of Production and Services Quality Engineering
Keywords: Q Control Chart, multivariate control chart, Mahalanobis depth, depth function


The purpose of the article is to present a method for determining control charts, which allow to control few interrelated quality characteristics. Often, in production practice, there is a need to simultaneously control several interrelated quality characteristics. The use of univariate control charts, separately for each quality characteristics, may lead to inadequate corrective actions of a production process. In such situations, it is recommended to use multivariate control charts, for example, the T2 control chart. However, the use of this classic approach involves making complicated calculations. Therefore, the author of this paper suggests using multivariate control charts based on data depth proposed by Liu.  In this paper, the author presented the idea and principles of the multivariate control chart based on data depth and then, using it to assess the statistical stability of the process in a manufacturing company, engaged in the production of window fittings.


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