• Monika Mankovecká Department of Clinical Disciplines and Urgent Medicine, Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Keywords: Standardized nursing plans. Nursing care quality. Respiratory deficit


This paper states the results of the study on the verification of the applicability of standardized nursing plans in clinical practice. The aim was to develop an effective model of managed nursing care for patients deficient in breathing. The research methods used were: a thought experiment, an experiment, a content analysis, and a survey. From the results, the author suggested four nursing plans which solve actual respiratory deficit. A basis for diagnosis was the classification system of nursing diagnoses NANDA. The plans were verified in two faculty hospitals at clinics of anaesthesiology and intensive medicine. Based on the standardized nursing plans, nursing care quality increased by 19 %. After analysis of the unmet criteria, the author found the most problematic criteria that were inconsistent with the standard. In the last part of the study, a survey of the nurses defined the advantages of standardized plans for nurses and patients.


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