• Galina B. Vlasova Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE), Rostov-on-Don
  • Vasily I. Vlasov Department of History of the Theory of Law and State, Russian State University of Justice, Rostov branch, Rostov-on-Don
  • Svetlana V. Denisenko Russian State University of Justice. Rostovbranch
Keywords: periodization, practice of international agreement, military-political Union, international custom.


The emergence of international law and periodization of its development remain relevant today. In general, most scientists consider that there were limited manifestations of international law in the era of Antiquity and the European Middle Ages. However, the manifestations that did emerge are significant. In particular, the practice of settling interstate agreements in the Ancient East evidences such importance. In the context of ancient civilization, this practice reached a new level. It led to the emergence of sufficiently broad alliances of states and at the same time, customary international law, as was observed in the international legal practices in the times of Hellenistic era and the era of the Roman Empire.


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