• Marcela Tittlová Institute of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Pan-European University
Keywords: domestic, violence, forms, seniors, criminogenic, factors


The neglect of seniors is new and more current problem in society nowadays.  Originally. Domestic violence in criminological sources was limited just on violence against women, later child victims was emerged. Quite late relating to documents adopted by European Union (Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on ‘Elder abuse’ in 2008) the problem of domestic violence has extended on seniors as another category of possible victims. The submitted report addresses the current and new phenomenon which requires consistent criminological behaviour as the basis for possible solutions in the legal order. Neglect of seniors, as new social phenomenon, requires rigorous examination in the light of the area of this term, as well as causes for which it occurs. The originators of this negative social phenomenon are considered to be not only children and grandchildren, but in some cases also subject (institutions) which are obliged to provide care for seniors on a contractual basis or ex lege.  The forms of neglect are based on general knowledge about domestic violence and are not beyond the framework of this phenomenon. Otherwise it is for the causes which are ground for violent behaviour of seniors because of necessity to be found in originators of violent forms of behaviour. Such causes include economic (financial, property) reason, as well as overworking, stress, lack of time on the side of the aggressors covering the lack of interest to care of the senior. The consequences of this violent behavior are very serious in the case of seniors because of the physical, psychological and financial possibilities of seniors often do not allow them to help and care any other way. The neglect of seniors is consistently showing very high latency. Only its versatile examination (criminological, legal and in terms of victims) can lead to effective control of this kind of crime. As a new social phenomenon, it is only very rarely determined in available sources, which is the reason why there is only a minimal amount of knowledge about the neglect of seniors. This negative phenomenon is needed to be thoroughly explored, which is the basis for its solution.


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Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on ‘Elder abuse’ (2008/C 44/24) 16.02.2008
