• Matúš Sitkey Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra
Keywords: Tesla coil, experiments, a modified Thurstone method of comparison of pairs


This article describes the education of secondary school pupils in relation to a set of experiments using a school transformer and the Tesla coil.  The set of practical experiments consists of 9 that can be used in the teaching of pupils of physics at secondary school in the thematic unit relating to electricity and magnetism. Each experiment contains a description of the relevant section of the International Standard Classification of Education in which it can be used. These descriptions include a motivational title, pedagogical goals, new keywords, a device list, and a level of difficulty based on the devices used. It also includes an experimental procedure, its physical explanation and experiment note, and supplementary questions for pupils. The research focuses on increasing the interest of pupils and improving their understanding of theory on the subject of electricity and magnetism by way of theoretical lessons connected to practical experiments using the Tesla coil. The research involved a special questionnaire for evaluation using the Thurstone method, which measures the preference of the respondent group. The results are analyzed using a modified Thurstone method of paired comparison with the software, Mathematica.


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