• Anton Vladimirovich Serikov Southern Federal University
  • Andrey Vladimirovich Bedrik Southern Federal University,
  • Yulia Sergeevna Panfilova Southern Federal University
Keywords: border region, social well-being of the population, humanitarian challenges.


The issues related to the study of social well-being of the population are presented in terms of the humanitarian challenges experienced in Russian regions. The paper identifies the latent sources of social tension with the border regions classified as high-risk areas of special research interest. In this article, the authors identify and analyze the main components affecting the well-being of the population in the Rostov region, a border region of Russia, from a macrosocial perspective. The empirical basis for the work includes the materials of sociological research conducted by scientists of the Southern Federal University and the South Russian Branch of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2013–2017. Based on the results of the empirical measurements, the authors propose that an increase in the population’s overall level of social well-being is vital in forming the long-term strategic goal of the public authorities for social stability in the Rostov border region. The study findings suggest that the main measures need to be aimed at finding ways to reduce the conflict potential of migration; increase the openness of the labor market and reduce the level of unemployment; and improve the security measures, taking into account the proximity to state border.


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