• Margarita Ruseva Plovdiv University
  • Vesela Kazashka Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts –Plovdiv
  • Vasil Kolev Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts –Plovdiv
Keywords: Art organizations, Mapping, Plovdiv


This paper presents the results of fundamental research into the cultural organizations of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The overarching aim of the research is to determine the specific profile of art organizations. Factors examined are areas of work, types of ownership, and category (small, medium, or large enterprises). An objective is to collect and analyze data for several projects that are developed and funded by the art organizations over a five-year period. Empirical research and analysis of quantitative and comparative data are conducted to achieve these objectives. This involves a survey using a questionnaire developed by experts with two main groups of questions. The first group is a set of general questions targeting the specific profile of the organizations, and the second aims to specify the type, area, frequency, and source of funding for the projects developed by the art organizations. The obtained data and results provide the profile and the financial framework of the cultural and art organizations in Plovdiv city, Bulgaria and can be used as a basis for further studies and research.


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