• Peter Papáček Institute of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Pan-European University
Keywords: domestic, violence, behavior, aetiology, reasons


The search for possible solutions and tools to fight domestic violence always ends up with searching for the causes of this negative phenomenon. To answer what causes domestic violence turns out to be a challenging issue. Knowing the causes of domestic violence could be the key to the elimination of domestic violence from our society. Aetiology is a partial component of criminology that focuses on the discovery and investigation of the causes of criminal behaviour in individuals. Knowing the causes of crime as such is in itself a very demanding process. The cause creates a causal relationship between the phenomena which are unchangeable. The causes of violent behaviour in domestic violence have never been accurately and unequivocally proven. For this reason, it is more appropriate to identify and investigate criminogenic factors of criminal behaviour. These are factors, which in themselves, or in a combination of them, support, enable, incite, facilitate the emergence or development of criminal behaviour. The determination of the exact causes of domestic violence is very difficult, nearly impossible, so the factors that can indicate violent behaviour in a family are the most important to analyse and deal with.


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